A RANGE of services, crafted to meet your project needs…

STUDIO BEAU is happy to help you achieve your design goals in whatever capacity works for your project scope and budget.

Here are some of the many services we offer:

  • Residential Interior Design - Residential remodeling is our passion. Let us help you reimagine and redefine your space.

  • Commercial Design - With our collaborative approach to commercial design, we work with you to create a memorable brand image for your commercial space.

  • Kitchen Design - The kitchen is the heart of the home. Let us apply of our years of experience to create a space that works perfectly for your culinary needs and lifestyle.

  • Drafting and Construction Document Creation - Trained in architectural drafting, STUDIO BEAU can provide the plans, elevations, and detail drawings necessary to move your project forward effectively, and efficiently.

  • 3D Modeling - As an optional service, we offer 3D modeling for clients who would like the added level of visualization. We use this service extensively with commercial clients, and find it to be invaluable when generating stake-holder support.

  • Specification of Finishes and Fixtures - With so many decisions to make, construction can quickly become overwhelming. Let us help you navigate the selection and ordering process; utilizing our established network of vendors, showrooms, and artisans.

  • Budget Management - We help clients navigate the design process while maintaining the bottom line. We work with contractors to provide clear budget break downs for a projects fixtures and finishes, to make sure your project finances stay on track.

  • Custom Furniture Design - STUDIO BEAU maintains established relationships with talented artisans. We love creating a one-of-a-kind, locally crafted pieces, to fit your project needs.

  • Lighting Selection and Design - The world of lighting is fast-changing and can be complicated; especially with California’s Title 24 requirements. Let us help you navigate your lighting update through our extensive list of vendors.

  • Hourly design consultation

3D Modeling

STUDIO BEAU believes the first key to a success in a project is communication. We utilize both 2D CAD drawings and optional 3D renderings to communicate design ideas to clients, and to make sure that builders, and their team, have all the necessary details to keep the project running smoothly. By using 3D models to communicate design, our clients gain an immediate understanding of space, without needing to rely on complex architectural or building plans.

Drafting and plan sets for construction

Clearly drafted floor plans and elevations are essential to a successful project. These drawings communicate design intent to the client, and create a straightforward framework for the contractor to proceed efficiently with a project.